You Get Paid In Direct Proportion To The Amount Of VALUE You Deliver To Your Marketplace!

The Law Of Income: You Get Paid In Direct Proportion To The Amount Of VALUE You Deliver To Your Marketplace

Your financial success is directly related to the size of the problem you solve for other people (solve BIG problems and you’ll make BIG money).

You will always be paid in direct proportion to the work you do, how well you do it, and the difficulty of replacing you.

Doing more than you are paid for is called over-delivering. Customers are attracted to the few individuals in each market who over-deliver.

There are never any traffic jams on the extra mile.

Brian Tracy

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1 thought on “You Get Paid In Direct Proportion To The Amount Of VALUE You Deliver To Your Marketplace!”

  1. I love that you quoted Brian Tracey, he is the man. He got me through my first few years selling cars, respect.

    I wasn’t going to ask a question but since im typing this, I might as well. I am starting out doing p&p in south jersey, the town i live in is pretty small but there are at least 400 abandoned homes here (few of which are secured and none of which are secured properly). How would I go about finding out who is giving out the orders for my area? There is a house across the street from me that has been secured and re secured at least 5 times in the past year, and it is still sitting over there with one lag bolt holding each window board and debris left all over the yard.



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